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Commemorative item; I helped open the Elizabeth line pencil, with rubber, 2022

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White pencil with pink rubber on the top. Has I helped open the ELIZABETH LINE on it with a purple roundel.
Object type
  • Commemorative item

More about the Elizabeth line

Learn more about the Elizabeth line, London’s first accessible railway and the result of the biggest infrastructure project in a generation.

The Queen officially opens the Elizabeth line at Paddington station, 17 May 2022

Explore our collection of the Elizabeth line, from machinery parts and architectural samples to posters, photographs, and merchandise.

Four people in orange high vis in front of cutting blades on a circular machine in a tunnel
Blog category
  •  Contemporary Curators

'I helped open the Elizabeth line' - Documenting contemporary transport history

, 2 minute read

Documentary Curator Rosamund West shares her memories of the Elizabeth line trial operations day at Woolwich station.

A tote bag with an Elizabeth line roundel sign