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Poster; Hostile Aircraft, unknown, issued by the London County Council Tramways, 1916

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Reference number
This poster was published by London County Council Tramways during the First World War. Air raids were a new and terrifying experience. During the heaviest bombing thousands of Londoners sheltered in Underground stations. Above ground, transport was an obvious target. It was thought that bombers used tram and train lines for navigation, as both produced sparks and flashes that were visible at night. Few precautions had been made before the war. This poster was issued in 1916. The instructions advised tram staff to focus on reducing light where possible.
Object type
  • Poster
  • Physical description

    Descriptive size
    Double crown
    Item content
    Object title
    Hostile aircraft
    London County Council Tramways
    General Order No 683 - amended.
    Motormen and Conductors - Hostile Aircraft
    The following is a copy of an Order made by the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, Home Forces, in connection with anticipated attacks by hostile aircraft:-
    1. "The Order to take air-raid precautions will be communicated in a manner approved by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis to the car drivers throughout the area.
    2. "The normal service of cars throughout the area must be maintained, and the cars shall not be brought to a standstill in the road, except for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers, nor return to the depot except at the conclusion of their normal journeys.
    3. "The speed of all cars must be instantly reduced (by running in series only) so as not to exceed six miles an hour until the warning is withdrawn.
    4. "Only one lighting circuit may be used, and no additional circuit may be put on until the warning has been withdrawn.
    5. "Trolleys must be connected with and disconnected from the overhead wires in such a manner that flashing is avoided.
    6. "Drivers must throw off all section insulators and when passing frogs, ears, &c., where flashing may occur. 7, "Special precautions must be taken that no defective trolley wheels are used".
    The warning will be conveyed to the motormen by the traffic or sub-station officials.
    It is of the utmost importance that these precautions should be rigorously carried out, and employees must make themselves familiar with the above, as any person found offending by the Military or Police Authorities, may be liable to severe punishment. A. L. C. Fell, Chief Officer.
  • People involved

    RolePerson(s) involved
    Unknown, 1916
    London County Council Tramways, 1916