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We’re Sky and Iris and as part of our master’s degree we’ve been lucky enough to work a two-month internship in the Curatorial department at London Transport Museum. One of the projects we’ve been involved in is the latest Poster Parade, which explores different techniques used to produce poster artworks which are then translated into poster designs.

Curating a poster project: Sky’s experience

During this placement I’ve been able to learn about different areas of Collections Management and Development. Out of all the skill sets I’ve been able to use and develop in the past eight weeks, I’ve found the tasks which required detailed research to be the most fascinating. This really came into play when curating the poster parade. I’ve been able to dive down the rabbit hole of art style, techniques, artist histories and, best of all, the vast catalogue of art held in the Museum’s collection. Selecting the posters was daunting initially because there is such a range of interesting artistic methods and artists represented in the poster and art collections. It was difficult to choose only 20 posters out of the 30,000 we have in the collection. Out of the posters we selected for the Poster Parade, my favourite is ‘Round London Sightseeing Tour’, by Harry Stevens.

The simplicity of this poster is making it particularly eye-catching to passengers. The artist designed a number of posters for London Transport, all using a similar technique of bold flat colour in a comic style. The design becomes the initial focus of Stevens posters rather than the subject being advertised, which is a refreshing approach to poster art.

Exploring the Museum’s poster collection: Iris’s experience

Working at the Museum has allowed me to have hands-on experience of Collection Management and Curating. During the placement, I have explored the wonderful collection at London Transport Museum. I also got the chance to look at posters from different periods and in various styles, during research for the Poster Parade. The posters take you back in time, to discover the history of this enchanting city. My favourite poster is James Fitton’s ‘Behind the seen’.

I love the contrasting colours and bold design of the eye. Using a play on words, the title highlights the London Transport staff who work behind the scenes, ensuring millions of passengers reach their destination safely.

Discover the wide range of artistic and graphic styles and techniques used by artists commisioned by the Underground Group and London Transport during the 20th century, in our new Poster Parade, Poster Techniques, on display at the Museum.

Find out about opportunities to work or volunteer at the Museum. 

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